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Monday, February 20, 2012

Pay Attention for Retention

Hello all, I know it's been awhile. Apparently I had the discipline (root word disciple..nice) to write on a Proverb a day for every day in January, but not enough to continue blogging. I have wanted to do so, but had not thought of anything worth writing about lately.

I was thinking tonight about a personal issue I've began (begun?) to notice. Let me give some background first.

I buy a lot of Christian books. I buy them on a number of subjects that I feel will help develop my understanding of God's word (though admittedly reading the "Word" would likely help as well). It started after reading the Left Behind series back in high school. From there it progressed to scholarly books on the book of Revelation and its many viewpoints. This took me back to the Gospels to find the heart of my faith and Jesus teachings--though the first time I believe I skimmed through pretty quickly.

Over time I've picked up books on everything from the Afterlife for Christians (speculation based on the Bible verse that speak to it) to Christian Relationship advice books.

In addition, recently, I've begun (began?) listening to Christian preachers on Podcasts and Videos.

I do this in part to continually grow my faith and develop my belief system, and in part to learn what I need to know to be a good witness for Christ.

Here's my problem. I cannot seem to retain all of the cool things I read/hear/watch. When someone asks something that I know I've found the answer to, I cannot for the life of me articulate it. Most non-believing friends will not be willing to sit through the same podcasts and videos to see the point I wanted to make (though I encourage them to do so) so I'm left with nothing to say, and no effective witness. It drives me crazy.

I know why I believe what I believe and I know why I know Christianity is the correct and only path to saving grace. We are all under common grace (i.e. God graces the just and unjust with life, food, rain, sun, etc...) Saving grace comes through Christ alone.

Now according to a great sermon I'm watching by Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church, there are 14 ways of breaking down saving grace--and I've agreed with them all, but I have no idea how to pass that info along to people who might benefit from the message.

In a sinful way I want everyone to agree with me...but the less sinful aspect of that is I desperately desire that all could come to know the joy that I know through salvation in Christ.

Now, can I articulate that?....NO! And I hate that I can't. I use the prayer "speak to me and speak through me" often, and it does help. But, I just can't retain all the great information that I want to pass along.

I could list the many podcasts, videos and sermons I want people to hear. Sermons that would likely change people's lives and minds...powerful messages that were I not already a Christian would turn me strongly that direction no matter how anti-Christian I felt.

I cannot force people to see these things and listen to them. I 'm happy when people do. I think even if some people do listen and watch they won't say anything about it, and I wish they would. I would like to know that they got something out of it...or at least why they did not agree.

This is not invitation to debate theology, but I do care about why people disagree sometimes with things I feel strongly about. I guarantee that I won't be able to articulate any rebuttal to that though--no matter how much my heart desires to do so.

So, in closing let me list some helpful Christian resources I have found lately. They may not appeal to everyone, but I would encourage everyone to at least give them a try. These are things I want to say but cannot find the words. Better speakers than me have found the words though--and articulate nicely the faith and why it truly is the greatest gift ever given (saving grace).

My Current favorite Resources 

Life Church Leander- http://www.yourlifechurch.org
-We began attending church here in October of 2012 and have found a great church home. The sermons are engaging, and the teaching is Biblically sound. Pastor Brian Lightsey's past sermons are in the sermon section of the Website.

Mike Fabarez (Focal Point Ministries)-http://www.focalpointministries.org-
Pastor of Compass Bible Church in California, Mike gives great scholarly teachings relevant to believers. His straightforward willingness to tackle even the tough issues of faith through in depth discussions, makes him a great resource for a more in depth Bible study.

Dr. R.C. Sproul-http://www.ligonier.org/about/rc-sproul/  
He has some great messages as well, and though I don't fully understand the reformed/calvinist mindset at times...the Bible based teaching is still relevant and engaging. His focuses on the sovereignty and holiness of God are a refreshing break from the sugar-coated God we hear about so often, and a more realistic portrayal of our sin nature and how that affects our relationship with God.

Pastor Paul Sheppard- http://podcast.pastorpaul.net/
-A great resource for everyone. His preaching style is casual but convicting and he is quite humorous at times. These podcasts have been truly helpful to myself and Juliet lately in growing our faith.

Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill- http://marshill.com/media/sermons
-A Biblically sound pastor out of Seattle, WA with a younger congregation (hence his casual dress) and a very honest and open attitude about things of the faith. Not afraid to speak his mind...which can be helpful for non-believers who have always had everything sugar coated for them.
http://marshill.com/media/religionsaves/grace - An excellent approach to common and saving grace

Dr. R.T. Kendallhttp://rtkendallministries.com/  
His podcasts are available online and in particular his question and answer sessions in Britain were very enlightening. He used to preach at Westminster Abbey in England.

I hope that you will all take some time out of your schedules to check these resources out. They each offer different, but equally Biblical perspectives that give great insight into our faith.

God Bless

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